Saturday, October 21, 2017

Unleashing the Gospel. . .

Read here for the Archbishop of Detroit's call to mission.  It surely has some things in it that make Lutherans a bit uneasy but overall it is a remarkable document to come out of a Roman Catholic diocese.  Clearly, the Archdiocese has embraced the new evangelization with what some might call a Protestant sort of fervor. 

If you are interested enough to read 45 pages or so, you might find several sections rather surprising.  In 3.3, The Roots of the Crisis, there is a clear and compelling diagnosis of what has happened along the landscape of Christianity and within the culture to bring us to the present crisis.  In the next section, 3.4 Good and Bad Habits, there is a frank discussion of virtues and vices on the part of the Diocese.  Jumping ahead to the Markers, you find a clear call to repentance and a call to believe that sounds like it could come from almost any Protestant denomination.  I found the Marker on Scripture (3.2) exceptionally interesting.  The Action Steps give clear direction to the Archdiocese as to how they expect to address the crisis and make improvement toward the stated goals. Within the document is even a frank admission of responsibility for some of the sins of the clergy and the church structures with regard to the abuse.

In any case, it is certainly interesting and, if they intend to live by these words, we are seeing a clear shift in the way a diocese operates as they address the future.
This letter ends where it began, in chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles. Here we see the Church living an authentically Christian communal life: following the teaching of the apostles, practicing fellowship and care for one another, partaking in the sacraments, and praying together. And we see how God blesses them by adding to their numbers. We see a mystery, a reality at once human and divine, the created manifestation of the work of the Creator Spirit. The Church is the sacrament of the risen Christ in our midst. She is alive because he is alive. She grows with the vigor and power of his divine life. And her living is not for her own sake but for the sake of her mission. Her Lord sends her to proclaim the good news that “the crucified one has been raised,” just as he was sent by the Father.


Anonymous said...

Father Peters if you enjoy Rome so much, then you should swim
the Tiber River. The Roman Catholic Church could use another
ex-Lutheran like you.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous

Your remarks don't reflect poorly on Pastor Peters, but only on yourself. Keep your hateful remarks to yourself.

Interesting post pastor. Thanks.


Rev. Weinkauf said...

You may recall the 8th Commandment, your comments are disparaging and you should be ashamed of yourself. At least if you are to insult someone in the OHM and member of Synod, you should have the Christian courage to name yourself rather than hide your identity; so Rev. Peter's may have opportunity to properly talk with you. If you have read Rev. Peter's blog you know he is steadfast and faithful in the Church of the Augsburg Confession and Reformation. He often cites and writes in abhorring the errors of Rome (and others.) While Rome is filled with false teaching, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. And we should be aware of what they are teaching and their movements.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with listening to the viewpoints of those with whom we disagree. That in itself does not make someone sympathetic to their ideas. Confessional Lutherans may even learn something from Rome.

What is their target market? How many disaffected Evangelicals are interested in Rome? If this is Detroit, then how are they witnessing to Muslims? Is it working? It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to join a denomination that has been protecting pedophile priests for centuries.....