Sunday, January 12, 2020

Moderated Comments. . .

I will try again to allow comments.  All comments will be moderated.  This means that comments will not appear immediately but will await my decision whether or not to permit them.  I know that many fruitful conversations can and do happen through the comments but I also know that it had gotten out of hand and the conversations were adding only heat and no light.  This does not mean that I agree with all the comments that are permitted but only that they are legitimate comments and not simply vitriol.  I hope that this will work.


Pastor D said...

Thank you. I appreciate you blog and often think of short comments.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that you have reconsidered this matter. I usually found much value in the comments, and I missed having them. Thanks for taking a second look.
Fr. D+
Continuing Anglican Priest

Anonymous said...

Comments are not the essence and not necessary for edification and learning. Your articles are outstanding and stand on their own. Seems that lots of time could be saved by not having comments. Keep up the good work and insightful work.